Strona główna » Fruity juice | Is it really that great?
Diet Tips

Fruity juice | Is it really that great?


Everyone knows that the healthiest drink is water. However, probably all of us sometimes feel like drinking something sweeter. What should we do then? What should we consider while choosing our fruity beverage? What is the difference between nectar and fruit juice? What’s the difference between juice not made from concentrate and one that is?

Fruit juice

I.e. the best possible choice. Why? First off, this type of beverage has to be made from fruit. Too obvious? Not really. Fruit juice can’t be diluted with water; coloring agents, artificial flavors, and sugar also can’t be added to it.

This way we get the most natural option there is. Is there anything that can be added to fruit juice? Vitamins, minerals, some food additives, lemon or lime juice to regulate the sourness.

The only difference worth noticing in fruit juice is the way it is made. There are two options: the extract can be directly squeezed from fruit or made from concentrated fruit juice. Generally, the first impression is very good – directly squeezed juice is the better option.


Nectar is mistakenly considered to be superior to fruit juice, when in fact juice – unlike nectar – isn’t diluted with water and sweetened. Moreover, nectar is sweetened with sugar substitutes – glucose syrup, high-fructose corn syrup or other sweeteners. The minimum fruit juice content in nectar is 25%. Exceptions to this rule include fruity nectars made from apples, pears, peaches, citrus fruit, pineapples, elderberries, and tomatoes (UE classifies tomatoes as fruit). In such cases, the minimum juice content is 50%.

Fruity drinks

This option is the least predictable ingredient wise. Apart from the tiny fruit content, they can have a lot of water, sugars, and numerous E type of ingredients. Unfortunately, their price is similar to fruit juice prices, which shows that fruit drinks are nor worth buying. If fruit juice taste is too intense for you, you can dilute it with water at home, and still enjoy quality nectar.

Let’s not be afraid of making juice at home

In season, you can buy fruit at a really good price, and new fruit squeezers aren’t very expensive. Then, you can decide what fruit (or vegetables!) we will use to make juice. You’re likely to discover a combo you and your loved ones will absolutely love!

Lastly, an important comment: we often see a big ‘100%’ sign on fruit drink’s packaging. However, it often doesn’t refer to the fruit juice content but to the vitamin content or the lack of a preservative. Let’s not get fooled by this. We should read ingredient lists – not only of juice. This way we will consciously choose the best products.

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