Strona główna » Immunity | How to avoid the flu | Say no to viruses!
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Immunity | How to avoid the flu | Say no to viruses!


It’s very important to take good care of your immune system these days. In winter and spring time, we are more vulnerable to different types of infections. This stems from many factors such as lack of sunlight, and bad weather. Protecting your immune system against colds and the flu is extremely important hence developing immunity will be your best bet. How do you do this? In this text, we give you advice on how to take care of your health and avoid diseases.

Most often we catch diseases from others because influenza viruses spread through droplet transmission. We do not mean only direct contact here but also touching the same items as an infected person. Unfortunately, not all people wash their hands frequently enough. What also increases the risk of becoming infected is being in places full of people, such as schools, kindergartens, public transport, and shopping malls.


The flu diagnosis is usually given when the symptoms include high fever, cold shivers, head and muscle aches. These are usually accompanied by a sore throat and a persistent, dry cough.

Children experience  nausea, vomit, or diarrhea. If you have these symptoms, see your doctor immediately!



Firstly, dress appropriately to weather. Overheating or getting too cold is likely to make you sick. You should also pay close attention to hygiene, and not only wash your hands but also disinfect them. What’s more, remember about ventilating your house as letting fresh air in is important regardless of the weather.


Doctors say that, in spite of the virus’ frequent mutations, vaccination significantly reduces the chance of catching the flu as well as lessens its symptoms once you get sick.

Still, the best we can do is make sure our lifestyle is healthy.


Probably everyone knows how important daily physical activity is. However, few of us fully realize that doing sports regularly boosts the immune system and helps it fight infections. Different types of physical activity allow you to get fit, and increase your body efficiency. What else can support this?



As with the case of physical activity, probably few of us need reminding how significant a healthy diet is to our health. Below we list a few tips on what to eat to enjoy good health.


Many people don’t realize how important the intestines are. In fact, 90% of our immunity comes from the gut where microbes that fight germs live. To ensure that our body functions well, we should eat products that support the gut microbiome. It’s important to consume natural probiotics, that is, products that contain live bacterial cultures, e.g.: kefir, buttermilk, natural yogurts, and fermented foods such as sauerkraut.


Everyone has heard that you need to eat vegetables and fruit to remain healthy. Yes, this is true. So what should you choose and what is the best for your immunity? Providing enough vitamin C to your body is key. Its highest amounts are found in citrus fruit but it’s not the only source. Redcurrant and parsley are also high in vitamin C.

Vitamin A is another important nutrient which strengthens the respiratory mucosae. The vitamin is found in sea fish, fish oil, eggs, milk, broccoli, and asparagus.

Vitamin D deficiency becomes especially visible in the fall-winter period. Then, you should remember to eat sea fish, fish oil, ripened cheese, and butter.

Let’s not forget what our moms and grandmas have used for years. That is onion, leeks, and garlic (it has antibacterial and antiviral properties). These vegetables are high in vitamins A, C, and E.

Moreover, you will improve your diet if you include honey and herbs in it.


Vitamin C is important but consumed in excessive amounts does a lot of harm. It is especially straining to the kidneys. Vitamin C excess can also cause skin rash and nausea. Too much vitamin A, on the other hand, results in possible bone and joint pain. In addition, the skin might become overly dry.

Apart from hypervitaminosis, many of your bad habits can impair your immune system. They include drinking too much coffee, smoking, and frequent alcohol consumption. These habits need to be eliminated. What follows, it’s important to get enough sleep, avoid stress, and be physically active on a regular basis.


  1. Make sure you get good sleep! Your body needs about 7 hours of sleep to recover.
  2. If you can, try not to touch your nose, eyes, and mouth.
  3. Avoid crowded places.
  4. Regularly ventilate the rooms you’re in.
  5. Remember to get vaccinated regularly.
  6. Engage in physical activity on a regular basis.
  7. Apart from washing, also disinfect your hands.
  8. Use disposable tissues and throw each out after one use.
  9. Make sure your diet is balanced.
  10. Cover your mouth while sneezing or coughing.

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