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Home gym | How to arrange it?

home gym

How to make a gym in your home?

You’d like to work out but don’t like crowded gyms? You’d like to work out at home but don’t know how to start? You’re afraid you don’t have enough room? No worries! Adapting your crib to have your own, personal home gym is not that difficult. You just need a little motivation and a good plan, and I’m happy to help.

Home gym

When you think about a home gym the first thing that comes to mind is mansions, large spaces filled with expensive heavy equipment. These days are long gone – today you can create a gym at home even if it’s small. This way you’ll avoid traveling and working out with other people if you don’t like it. You also get the possibility of working out at any time. So, how do you start?

If your flat is small I suggest you choose the option that requires less room. What will you need? You’ll need to create some space in the room and closet. It doesn’t have to be completely empty. Just choose a room that won’t need much rearranging.

If you have a more spacious flat or a house with an unoccupied room – then you can be more imaginative. You can arrange even a small room however you prefer, and put there the equipment you want.

Home gym – what will you need?

Let’s start with the basics. The first must-have is a an exercise mat. It’s perfect for trainings based on your weight. A mat’s great benefit is that you can fold it nicely and put it in the closet. What’s more, even if you have nowhere to put it, a folded mat still looks fine. A jump rope is also a good choice because it takes up little space and works great for intense workouts. Additionally, dumbbells of varying weight and a stepper work great, and you can put them under your bed or in your closet.

Such equipment lets you do most types of actual workouts.

Anything else?

An excellent choice for those who have a little additional space is an elliptical trainer. You can do aerobic exercises with it and put your whole body in motion. Another option that doesn’t require much room is an exercise bicycle. You can choose either one of the two or, supposing you have enough room, buy both.

Home gym: how to make it?

As the additional room, you can use the basement if you have one. If not, you can probably find another suitable room. Apart from the basics that I already mentioned, it’s also good to lay plastic mats on the floor. This will make the floor stable and not slippery. Good lighting is also important.

What’s more, we recommend you place a large mirror in a way that will let you see if you’re working out correctly.

Home gym: heavy accessories

When you decide to have a home gym, it’s worth investing in dumbbells and a bench. Such a set lets you exercise all body parts. A mini or regular multi-gym machine is also an excellent choice. To add aerobic exercises to your workout, you should opt for an elliptical trainer, exercise bicycle, or treadmill.

Is it cost-effective?

Yes, yes, and yes! You get to use the gym whenever you want, don’t have to pay for membership and travels to and fro. On top of that, you can choose when and where you want to work out.

Remember, it’s an investment – spending more this one time you’ll save heaps of money on gym membership cards.

Good luck!

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