Strona główna » Avocado oil | The best medicine?
Diet Suplementation

Avocado oil | The best medicine?

avocado oil

Avocado oil is becoming more and more popular. It has many incredible health properties, and can be used in a variety of ways even outside of the kitchen. The good fats are extremely good for you and the ones contained in avocado are no exception. So, you definitely should know more about this product.

How is avocado oil made?

Traditional avocado oils are made from its flesh and not from its seed as in the case of other plants. The oil can be made in three ways. The first one is drying the fruit and squeezing it by pressing in a high temperature. Organic solvents are used in the process, also called refining, which make the oil lose many of its nutrients. The second method is immediate pressing with the use of great force. This one also uses refining and enzymes. The third method is cold pressing. It doesn’t include a refining process and produced oil retains the most nutrients. Keep in mind that this type of oil can’t undergo thermal processing.

Nutritional value

It’s important to distinguish between refined and unrefined oils. The former is light in color, and bland in smell and taste. The latter is dark green in color and tastes like butter and almonds. Avocado oil is a source of many vitamins, such as A, B, E, C. It also contains beta-sitosterol that positively affects the cardiovascular system and cholesterol levels. Other nutrients found in the oils include biotin, choline, folic acid, and pantothenic acid.

How does avocado oil affect health?

It has many properties that improve your body function, and appearance. One of the greatest benefits of using the oil is lowering cholesterol levels and improving cardiovascular system function. Lutein found in avocado oil improves vision, lowers the risks of cataract and macular degeneration. In France, avocado oil is considered to be an arthritis medication as it reduces joint pain and numbness. What’s more, it might come as a surprise that avocado extract helps treat gum diseases, such as bleeding, and bone and gum degeneration. The product is also extremely good for your skin as it makes it moisturized and fresh. Additionally, it reduces stretch marks and scarring, and is used to treat psoriasis.

Avocado oil use

This product is a great culinary ingredient as it can be used to enrich a variety of meals. Refined oil can be used to fry food or prepare a marinade. Unrefined avocado oil works great as dressing for salads and other meals. This type of oil goes great with many different foods and intensifies their taste. Avocado oil has also been used in the beauty industry. It’s found in many moisturizers, massage oils, and soaps. It also works great as a DIY hair mask.

Have you heard of this oil?

How do you use it?

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