Strona główna » Measuring yourself correctly is key

Measuring yourself correctly is key

The basis of monitoring your progress is not only weighing yourself, but also measuring your chest, waist and hip circumference (as basic parameters). How to do it correctly? We hurry with explanation!

Probably each of us tried to measure its body. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to measure themselves correctly so that the result is not distorted.

Let’s start with when it’s best to measure. Regardless of whether we measure the circumference or step on the weight, let’s do it in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach, right after the morning toilet. Each of the values ​​obtained should be recorded, thanks to which we are able to regularly monitor our progress. For some circuit measurements, you may want to ask someone for help.

Also remember to take your measurements preferably naked as clothes will change your measurement result. Also do not try to pull in or push your stomach. Maintain a natural position.

What will you need for your measurements?

Apart from the weight, only a tailor’s centimeter. If you don’t have one at home, you cant buy one in any haberdashery for a dollar. Of course, you also have to choose how you will record the results – you can do it “analogously” in a notebook or calendar. You can also choose from a variety of progress tracking apps.

LifeSwitcher, Life Switcher, jak zmierzyć się poprawnie, jakie są poprawne wymiary,
1. How to measure the calf circumference?

Standing hip-width apart, unclench your calf and measure it at its widest point, parallel to the ground.

2. How to measure the circumference of the thigh?

Standing hip-wid apart, measure just below the buttock fold, parallel to the ground.

3. How to measure hip circumference?

Standing hip-wid apart, measure through the center of the buttocks, parallel to the ground.

4. How to measure your waist?

We measure at the narrowest point between the chest and hips.

5. How to measure your chest?

We measure 1 cm above the nipples, the back must be straight. It’s best to measure this batch just after you exhale.

7. How to measure the circumference of your forearm?

We measure at the widest point, with your hand relaxed.

In addition to body measurements, it is worth regularly verifying your caloric needs, because our changing body may need or need much less additional energy.

The illustration below will make this task easier, good luck!
Measure chest, calf, thigh, forearm, biceps, waist, chest,
How to measure correctly?
Do you know how to measure yourself? Here’s the answer!

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