Strona główna » Chicken | How to make it extra tasty?

Chicken | How to make it extra tasty?


There is nothing quite as heavenly as tasty chicken. No wonder it is one of the most popular poultry meats. Have you ever wondered how to prepare the meat so that it’s juicy and covered with golden skin? If so, you have to read this!

Tasty chicken DIY

You know this scene in American movies when a family sits at a table with a variety of great food, and the man of the house cuts a beautiful, golden chicken, the wife gives juicy pieces to the guests? Who didn’t feel hungry because of this? We’ve decided to give you the rules of preparing the perfect chicken. If you follow them you’ll get one just as perfect. And relax, it is really not that difficult to do.

Marinade is key – you need to rub a chicken’s inside and outer part with it well. Before you do this, we recommend you soak it in cold water for about 2 hours. This will make it extra juicy and absorb the marinade’s flavor better.

After rubbing the chicken with marinade, cover it and the remaining marinade with foil and put them in the fridge for the night. If it’s not possible – a couple of hours will be enough. Preheat oven to the right temperature (usually 160-180° C). Put the chicken in a pan (you can add potatoes too) in the oven once it’s properly heated up.

Don’t be afraid to experiment! Your palate will love a chicken in lime and thyme marinade or one stuffed with giblets.

Try this today!

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