Strona główna » Snacks when you’re a bit hungry

Snacks when you’re a bit hungry


Have you ever wondered how to reconcile the growing tempo of life with a healthy diet? No time to cook very complicated recipes? Maybe you just want to have a break and are wondering what snack to grab? We have a few ideas to solve this problem. We’d like to present you a few healthy snacks you can always have with you.

Dried fruit

It’s our favorite variant because it’s universal, commonly available, and contains a high amount of fiber, which improves gut health. You can buy it as ready mixes but also by weight. If you keep it in an airtight packaging, it will stay fresh for long. Be careful with the quantity – unfortunately, dried fruit is high in calories. Another thing worth considering when buying dried fruit are the ingredients. The product can contain sugar or glucose syrup.

We recommend choosing:

  • dried mango
  • dried cranberry
  • dried banana
  • dried apricot
  • apple crisps
  • raisins

Sweet bars

More and more often, we can buy sweet bars with really good ingredients. They don’t contain syrups, sugar, or additives. Moreover, there are plenty of different recipes for homemade sweet bars that you can prepare with your favorite ingredients.


They are full of elements responsible for the state of your skin, hair, and fingernails. They are great as additions to salads, breakfast, muesli, or yogurt. Just like with dried fruit, you should be careful because nuts are very high in calories.

  • cashew
  • Brazil nuts
  • walnuts
  • a mix of nuts and seeds


This may be a surprising point on the list but more and more often shops are offering quinoa crisps, fruit crisps, and corn crisps with decent ingredients.


Similarly to nuts, they influence the skin, hair, and fingernails, and have a positive impact on the hormonal balance. Hence, if you only have eaten this produce in bread, it’s time for a change. They can fantastically break the structure of pâtés, soups, and salads. Naturally, they work great as a snack.

  • linseeds,
  • pumpkin seeds
  • sunflower seeds
  • chia seeds
  • sesame


You can find many options even today – from fruit to vegetable ones, with the addition of yogurt, grain, coconut shreds. They are the perfect sweet snacks when your body is demanding sugar ?.

What will you choose?


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