Strona główna » Drinking water – what does it actually do?

Drinking water – what does it actually do?

drinking water

Drinking water is essential for retaining proper life and bodily functions. With the liquid making 65% of the adult human body, water is one of the main building blocks of living organisms. As follows, it is an ingredient of all tissues and body fluids essential for humans to function properly.

Why is drinking water so important?

All internal organs need water to retain proper function. What is more, the liquid is responsible for the proper hydration of the body and takes part in many fundamental processes such as breathing, digestion, nutrient absorption, and excreting redundant substances.

The advantages of drinking water include:

  • boosted metabolism and improved digestion
  • cleansed body
  • better skin
  • improved kidney function
  • heart disease prevention
  • normalized body temperature
  • better concentration
  • improved blood pressure
  • flushing out toxins
  • urinary tract infection prevention

How much water should you drink?

Water should be drunk frequently and in small amounts. Adults should drink 1.5-2.5 liters a day. How much you are supposed to drink depends on your weight, physical activity, and the temperature. Additionally, we should drink more water when the weather is hot or when we’re very physically active.


  • weakness
  • loss of appetite
  • skin changes, e.g. redness
  • sleep problems
  • irritation

Our body can’t store water so it needs to be replenished constantly.

Remember, drink 2 liters of water every day!

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