Strona główna » Time to hit the gym! Are you in?
Tips Training

Time to hit the gym! Are you in?

ćwiczenia na siłowni, jak zmotywować się do ćwiczeń, motywacja, trening, odchudzanie,
Pretty young sport woman is Workout in gym, Healthy lifestyle

A new year and a new resolution. I will frequent the gym! The same one we make before summertime and when we can’t fit in our favorite clothes. Time and again, we say we are going to do it tomorrow and nothing ever happens. How do you find motivation? How do you make yourself want this? This article answer these questions.

Going to the gym provides many benefits:

  • Gyms have professional equipment that most of us couldn’t afford. Each time we go there, we can exercise a different body part and adjust the workout to our needs.
  • An instructor can give us professional advice regarding exercise types. Moreover, they can support us and check if we’re working out correctly.
  • Exercise relives stress. This makes it an excellent form of relaxation.
  • Being active is very healthy. Our physical condition improves, muscles work, and we have more energy. Our immunity is boosted as well. The heart becomes stronger. What’s more, many people stop experiencing insomnia once they go to the gym regularly.

How to get motivation

Find a companion! Take your sister, friend, or partner with you. This way going to the gym will mean spending time with a close person. After all, you can talk just about anything with each other while exercising. This way you will combine business with pleasure. Additionally, when you go to the gym with someone, you can motivate, support, and keep an eye on each other. Once you visit the gym, you will see that many people go there with someone. In conclusion, this trick really works.

Music. Gyms are usually full of people talking loudly. Workout equipment makes a lot of noise too. Moreover, we aren’t always happy with the music from the speakers. All the distraction while we are just trying to perform exercises that aren’t always easy and fun. This can irritate us to the point where we just want to leave. However, all you need to do is bring your headphones and listen to your favorite music, detaching yourself from the environment and focusing on pleasant tunes and the workout. It makes it all better, doesn’t it?

Set your goal. We often look at photos of athletes, actors, models and want to look like them. We dream about having a flat stomach, slim body, and athletic legs. All this is possible. You only need to be determined and follow through. Set your goals gradually starting from a few centimeter off your waist, and a kilogram more on the weight bar. Thanks to baby steps you will achieve your dream goal.

Talk to a fitness instructor. You’ve been going to the gym but don’t see effects? Or maybe you don’t know what to do in the gym – the amount of equipment is overwhelming. You have no idea what you’re doing? Don’t give up or take risks. You can always ask a professional for help. They will explain what equipment you should use and help you choose the right training routine. In the beginning, this will ease you into using the gym and motivate you to carry on.

What you should have in the gym

Make sure to bring:

  • Shoes – they should be comfortable and good for training. Remember that they don’t have to be pretty. Their most important feature should be feet protection.
  • Sports apparel – tight leggings and crop tops are in fashion nowadays. However, if you don’t like this set, don’t buy it. You’re supposed to feel comfortable while exercising. You can wear a shirt, top, sweatpants, or shorts. Sports clothes should be – above all – comfortable to wear.
  • Water or an isotonic – we sweat and lose water while training. So it is crucial to remember to stay hydrated and provide microelements.
  • Shower accessories – naturally, we sweat so much during a workout that showering afterwards is a must. So bring a towel, flipflops, underwear, and soap.
  • A small towel – use it while working out. Many gyms require it in order to let you in.


  1. Don’t give up. Beginnings are always difficult.
  2. You’ve had enough? Don’t overwork yourself.
  3. A bad day? It’s cold outside? Stop with the excuses! You need to be systematic.
  4. Exercise correctly and diligently. Be honest with yourself.
  5. Accept failures. They happen to everyone.
  6. If you have questions – ask. That’s what gym employees are there for.
  7. Your diet is important. You are what you eat. Proper nutrition can enable faster training effects.

It’s no use being afraid of the gym! No use putting it off for tomorrow. It’s time to take care of yourself and your body! What do you say? Shall we hit the gym?

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